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TANZANIA:Archdiocese of Mwanza strategizes for a New Cathedral by 2018

Most Rev. Jude Thaddaeus
By Pamela Adinda, AMECEA Online News

The Catholic Archdiocese of Mwanza is building a magnificent Cathedral whose capacity will be 7,000 (seven thousand) upon its completion. 

According to the Archbishop of Mwanza, Most Rev. Jude Thaddaeus Ruwa’ichi, the new Cathedral which is dedicated to St. John Paul II, is ideally expected to be ready for use by next year 2018 if other factors remain constant. 

"It is a hefty budget, costly project, but a noble project worthy spending," he said. 

The Archbishop explained that majority of the faithful of the
Architectural design of the  Cathedral
 Archdiocese are ordinary citizen but in their poverty and simplicity, they have contributed 100% of what has been realized in terms of construction costs. 

“So far we have not received any help from anyone outside Mwanza; and that is not normal because project regarding the construction of Churches are not very appealing nowadays to partners,” Archbishop Ruwa’ichi told AMECEA Online News in an exclusive interview with him in Mwanza. 

“I keep stressing that I don’t want us to end up with building a church of stone. The process of building the Church of stones must go hand in hand with building the Church of living stones, the faithful,” he said.
Construction site
Why the new Cathedral is dedicated to St. John Paul II?
According to Archbishop Ruwa’ichi, there are three reasons why the Archdiocese decided to dedicate the new Cathedral to the Patronage of St. John Paul II. The first reason is that when St. John Paul II visited Tanzania - Mwanza in 1990 he celebrated Mass at Kawekamo - the site of the new Cathedral and it was that time when he blessed the foundation stone. 

Secondly, of all the sites where St. John Paul II celebrated Mass during his visit in Tanzania in 1990, the site in Mwanza is the only one remaining in the hands of the Catholic Church and therefore to keep his memory, it is worthwhile to have the Cathedral built right there.

The third reason why Archdiocese of Mwanza is dedicating its new Cathedral to St. John Paul II is that he is the Pope who left a big impact in the world, on the Church in Africa and in Mwanza in particular. It is worthwhile to keep his memory in the Archdiocese

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